Sickness many other me….you found him?….not me? not me?……depression hits my heart……why am i so alone?….you found HIM? i’m the one lost….help me, help me, HELP ME PLEASE!
Dark Air love is a drag…..rather be smoking cigarettes….black black lungs…..black black heart…….emptiness, the void, a black hole…where do i find you?….i can’t see a thing….i can’t hear a thing….a can’t FEEL A THING….
Stranded love the world is so empty, nowhere to go, no sign of life…this is a drought no love or water,thirsting for love yearning for life, waiting for someone to help me up,reaching reaching no one,in the depths of this cold i am alone,i walk a thousand miles to nowhere and there i find nothing,i look beyond into the dark of space and i call out, no response…where are you LOVE? i feel so alone,life is so empty without you…again i reach and still thin air,where do i find something that is not there?
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/kreativearsenal